U.S. Non Immigration VISA appointments fast reservation service in Mexico


Fast reservation:

Normally it just takes 1~2 days to get reservation for B1/B2 Anydate, FixDate may take a little bit longer depends on date list.

Support Visa type:

A1,A2,A3,B1,B1/B2,B2,C1,C1,C1/D,C2, C3,D,DCREW,E3,E3D,F1,F2,G1,E3D,F1,F2,G1,G2,G3,G4,G5,H1A,H1B,H2A,H2B,H3,H4,


Spport all U.S. consulates in Mexico:

B1/B2 etc Anydate 100% successful reservation.

No fee charge for un-successfully appointments reservation

Requirements before contact gtasaving.com:

1. Applicants need to create profile using passport number on U.S. on-line booking website https://ais.usvisa-info.com/en-MX/niv/users/sign_in. Please make sure passport number, First/Last name, VISA type etc information are correct before applying our appointment service.

* Gtasaving.com is not responsible for wrong information in profile.

* Applicants need to fill all online documents like DS-160 Online Application etc

* Applicants need to pay visa fee using visa/master/American Express etc then write down confirmation number.

How to pay visa application fee by Telephone? The fee is due at the time the DS-160 application is submitted and is nonrefundable and nontransferable regardless of whether a visa is issued:

    1. Pay the application fee:

    • If you pay by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or American Express), you can pay directly through the website or the Call Center and continue immediately to the appointment calendar. No additional work or payment is required.

    • If you prefer to pay in cash, the appointment website will produce a Bank Deposit Slip based upon the type of appointment for which you have registered; the deposit slip will indicate how much you must pay. You must print this Bank Deposit Slip, log off the appointment site, proceed to a local Banamex or Scotiabank branch, present the Bank Deposit Slip, pay the requested amount, obtain an original bank receipt for the transaction, log back into the appointment site, and enter the bank receipt confirmation number into the requested field. After you have provided the confirmation number, you may proceed to the appointment calendar.

2. Applicants can find a paypal account to pay gtasaving.com service fee.

*Paypal: Please check www.paypal.com to find out more information about paypal.

3. There are 2 types reservation service gtasaving.com can provide:

No Appointment date selection (Type: AnyDate): In this case, reservation date can be any business date.

Self-defined date list selection (Type:FixDate): In this case, applicants provide a date list that want to book.

*FixDate has higher priority than AnyDate. If one date meet both Fixdate and AnyDate, FixDate will get it.

4. Fees:

*Pay after gtasaving.com book appointment date successfully. It is FREE if gtasaving.com can’t get appointment date.

*Register successfully for AnyDate: Primary Applicant: 129US$. Each Family Member (Not include primary applicant and share same spot with primary applicant):20US$

Register successfully for FixDate: Primary Applicant: 159US$. Each Family Member (Not include primary applicant and share same spot with primary applicant):50US$

*No fee re-funded after gtasaving.com successfully get final appointment date.

*Applicants must give gtasaving.com 24 hours for cancelation because gtasaving.com booking system will be auto-started after getting registration email. Gtasaving.com will not charge any fees (FREE) if after 24 hours once getting cancelation email and can’t book appointment date. If gtasaving.com book final appointment date in 24 hours after getting cancelation email, 129$ for AnyDate or 159$ for FixDate reservation fee will be charged.

5. Payment: Right now, gtasaving.com only accept paypal and online bank EMT (Email money transfer). Once gtasaving.com booked appointment date successfully, one confirmation email will be sent to applicants. Please pay Fees to visa@gtasaving.com through paypal or EMT in 24 hours after getting confirmation email. Any delay may cause applicants appointment be canceled, have trouble with new appointment or affect credit.

* Applicants can login to U.S. on-line booking website to check the final appointment date and time after getting confirmation email.

Registration (Please read Requirements first):

GTASAVING.COM provide fast email register. After applicants send out apply email, please check email once per day because gtasaving.com will send confirmation email after successful reservation. Please do NOT manually log-on to booking site because it will affect our 7x24 booking process. Applicants must send email to visa@gtasaving.com following below format:

Email Subject: “Apply for : “+ Applicants PASSPORT Number + Birthday + Nationality + RESERVATION TYPE + U.S. CONSULATE CITY + DHL Branch + Total Family Members"

Birthday: Please use Format DD/MM/YYYY


U.S. CONSULATE CITY: U.S. Consulate city name (Can put multi consulates if want to accept more than one)

DHL Branch: DHL branch name that you want to pick visa.

Mexican National/Present in Mexico Or Non-Mexican Citizens/Residents

Total Family Members: Total family members will apply visa with applicant (Not include applicant). If one applicant will only apply visa for himself, this should be 0.

Email content: (Must list your correct contact name, phone number, email, application fee confirmation number and accept gtasaving.com's requirments. If there are Petition from Form I-797 etc, need list Petition receipt number, receipt date, notice date of the approval).

* If RESERVATION TYPE is FixDate, reservation date list also need to be included. Date format will be 'YYYY/MM/DD' seperated with ',' if there are more than one date. Date can be any business dates.

AnyDate apply email example:

My passport is G12345678 Birthday is 20 March 1970 Nationality is India, Want to make appointment on Hermosillo for anydate to use DHS Branch Hermosillo. There are no family member come with me.

The email subject will be “Apply for: G12345678 29/03/1970 India AnyDate Hermosillo Present in Mexico Hermosillo 0”

Email content will be like:

Applicants: Jack Chang, Home: 416-123-4567 Office: 416-123-4567 Cell: 416-234-5678 jackchang@abcdefg.com Application fee confirmation number: 001122334455

(If there are no Petition, do NOT need provide) Petition receipt number: EAC099999999 receipt date: July 10 2007 notice date of the approval: July 14 2007

visa booking site login information and password

I already read and agree below requirement:

[copy and paste “Requirements before contact gtasaving.com” here]

FixDate apply email example:

My passport is G12345678 Birthday is 20 March 1970 Nationality is India, Present in Mexico, Want to make appointment on Hermosillo use DHS Branch Hermosillo for some special dates. There are 2 kids with apply visa with me using same spot.

The email subject will be “Apply for: G12345678 29/03/1970 India FixDate Hermosillo Present in Mexico Hermosillo 2”

Email content will be like:

Applicants: Jack Chang, Home: 416-123-4567 Office: 416-123-4567 Cell: 416-234-5678 jackchang@abcdefg.com Application fee confirmation number: 001122334455

(If there are no Petition, do NOT need provide) Petition receipt number: EAC099999999 receipt date: July 10 2007 notice date of the approval: July 14 2007

visa booking site login information and password


I already read and agree below requirement:

[copy and paste “Requirements before contact gtasaving.com” here]


If you want to cancel the registration server, please Send cancelation email to visa@gtasaving.com following below format:

Subject: Write “Cancelation for : “+PASSPORT Number + Birthday + Nationality"

For example: My passport is G12345678 Birthday is 20 March 1970 Nationality is India, want to cancel original request fixdate .

The email subject will be “Cancelation for: G12345678 29/03/1970 India ”

Email content: No special requirment


Reschedule is same as fixdate. Please refer fixdate type. Your current appointment will not be released unless we find spot for you.

Contact us:visa@gtasaving.com

GTASAVING.COM: Provide professional service. Saving your time! Saving your money!

Copyright 2007-2023: GTASAVING.COM

TAG:U.S. Non Immigration VISA appointments fast reservation service in Canada US visa Mexico, Ciudad Juarez Guadalajara Hermosillo Matamoros Merida Mexico City Monterrey

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TAG: Calgary, Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa, Ouebec City, Toronto and Vancouver us visa appointment reservation

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